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Anatomy of Extra Cash Systems, Part 2 
Part Two - Extra Cash Systems - The "Foot Work"

Hello again discerning readers, ECS Dave here.
If you'll remember from my last article, An Introduction to Extra Cash Systems, I mentioned that I would continue with "the anatomy" by talking about the "Foot Work".

In any venture that you undertake, there is background, or foot work, that must be done. Research, if you will. Extra cash systems are no different. For your success to be assured, you must do the foot work.

I've compiled a few steps that will assist you in getting started:

1. Treat your extra cash systems like a business, because really that's exactly what you are looking at. A business that is designed to provide you with extra cash, both now and into the future.

2. This may seem a "no-brainer" but, go on-line to find out more about the type of extra cash system that you want working for you. Visit forums, read articles (like this one) to explore the possibilities. Subscribe to e-magazines, newsletters, mailing lists...

3. While you are on-line, if there are others using similar extra cash systems as what you are looking into, look at them. See what they are doing. Remember the saying: "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." I'm not suggesting copying or mimicing someone else's idea exactly, but try to model what you are going after in a similar fashion.

4. Off-line, there are many resources available to the budding extra cash systems builder. Several that come to mind are your local library, your local business college (or university), your local credit union (or bank), even consider talking with an accountant. These sources of valuable information can really provide you with answers to questions that you may have, as well as questions that you didn't think of!

5. In line with step 3 above, if you can, speak to local business owners that may be in the same type or "niche" of business that you are exploring. Especially successful owners, inquire if they will "mentor" you in some fashion. You may be pleasantly surprised at the "hands on" assistance that some will provide.

6. While Mr. Shakespeare may have advised to "kill all the lawyers", you really might want to consult with one about starting your extra cash systems. There are some that may even give you a first time consult for free!

I imagine that your feet are getting a little bit sore, so I'll close for now, with the suggestion that you return sometime next week for the next installment: "Extra Cash Systems, Pump Up Those Arms".

Stay Tuned,
ECS Dave

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CAM-DS is on its way... 
New product alert here! LOL

Extensive market research has compelled me to put together a new product,
the CAM-DS.

What IS the CAM-DS you might ask?

Try this:
CanRelyOn.com Automatic (almost) Multimedia Downloading System

Check out a preview, here.

So, grab that Fifth of Beethoven remembering that Everyone's a Winner,

ECS Dave

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Anatomy of Extra Cash Systems 
Part One - An Introduction to Extra Cash Systems

So, you want to make money on the internet?

I can't count how many times I've read those words, or similar in a great
many sales letters, squeeze pages, e-books, and so on...

The easy answer to that question is YES! Which begs another question.


Many of those same sales letters, squeeze pages and e-books promise
the "moon", but only deliver "space dust". Little particles of hope
that are shrouded in flashy covers and boxes. Grandiose claims of
wealth and prosperity abound within.

7 Days to Riches!

Plug In To Wealth!

Kill Your Day Job!

Nearly every one of these pitches is followed by a "Buy Me" button that
puts money in the pockets of the pitch-ers, while siphoning money from
the pitch-ees. A lot of these "programs" also offer "upgrades" to entice
more money from the pitch-ees.

Let me tell you, the majority of those programs are CRAP. Most all of them
want you, the pitch-ee, to promote the same program that you just bought
into. The "upgrade" that you bought? A little bit more commission on the
SALE of that same program.

Don't get me wrong here, there are still quite a few legitimate offers out
there on the world wild web. Yes, I meant "wild". The thing is, they can
be hard to find amid all of the hype and hoopla that the others spew.

It is like "searching for a needle in a haystack", or looking for that
"diamond in the rough". What's bad about all that, is the sometimes
overwhelming cost of the search. I'm not only talking about the cash cost,
but the time cost.

How much value do you place on your time? "Time is money", so the saying
goes, and folks, its true! Our days upon this mortal coil are numbered,
can we really afford to spend them chasing after faux promises of abundance?

As I mentioned above, there are a few extra cash systems that are "real".
Even those, however, will NOT make you rich and wealthy overnight.

I'll have more, in my next article, titled "Extra Cash Systems, the Foot Work",
sometime next week.

Stay Tuned,
ECS Dave

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